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Poly life
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Haiz...i'm too busy to update. I nid to deal wif a lot of events , projects & my studies. Poly life is soooo different den ite. However, i was blessed dat i enrolled to ite 1st. Even my route is long, at least i know wat is happening esp during hand-on & de subjects i tuk b4. For de 1st tyme i enter poly, its kinda easy 4 me to catch up bcs i had learnt subjects like biz management & biz communications. Unfortunately, i nid to buck up wif my eng language. Those ppl speak really well!

Hmmm..de thg dat i am not satisfied wif is de grp work. Since I'm not de type hu lyke 2 do work in last min.,I get annoyed easily these days. It shocked me dat i'm really quiet in sch coz i feel dat de young ones r really hard to control. Unlike my other friends in sec sch or ite, they are well prepared & very committed in project discussion. Wen work, they work. Wen play, they play.

Friends?? Not really. I dun really have close friends but casual.....yes. I just depend more on myself den de others. Its nthg much to do wif me coz i'm kinda independent...ya...haha! I am a fun & friendly person but I dun really feel fun rite nw. I thk more on hw 2 strengthen myself & plan my future. De reason I come to poly is to pursue my further studies, get more experience by participate wif events and activities & to make sure I hv enough knowledge wic is practical & relevant 4 de future plans.

My journey towards my dream is 1/2 way through. I feel more responsible and wiser each time I move forward. With the courage & support from my parents & my best, closest friends, I feel strong to do watevr I wana do. There are times I feel discouraged or losing myself to others but I kip remembering y I hold on for so long to reach here den giving up. 'GIVE UP' is not exist in my dictionary. No matter how hard I have to sruggle & no matter hw much difficulty I hv to face, I will owys kip trying & prove myself dat I cn b a better person. Not to be conplacent & arrogant but I wana be sum1 hu can show de world dat even de slow ones cn reach de tip of de mountain. So, let's dun let our guts down & kip climbing wif de rest!

Dun worry wat others wana say coz I believe in myself. If we stand, we stand on 2 feet, we eat wif our 2 hands & we ol have de same colour of blood. De only difference is they r stronger den me but dat doen't mean I can't! Haha! Owys help de weaker ones & ignore or isolated dem bcs I hv seen these type of ppl b4 & I learn nt 2 b 1 of dem.

In overall, I luv my ITE life!!! They r cool, man! Haha...miss my fwens & lecturer a lot! ohya, even de sch, itself! Haha...

Dats ol 4 2day, guys!
Rmbr, opportunities r owys thr but chus wisely!
Love Aryns
My Friend's Wedding
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hello once agn...one of my fwen frm pri sch was married ystrdy morng to an Indonesian guy..
wow!! she was so pretty!! :D nvr see her in make-up b4..
well, only her closest relatives & fwens were invited, thr4, her house wasn't crowded..
i brought my mum along..we arrived 2gthr wif de 'tok kadi'..
we met him in de elevator..de way he dressed had given me de impression dat 'he's de 1...he's de 1 hu need 2 proceed wif de process so dat de groom & de bride wil bcm huband & wife.'
He is an important person...no him, no married couples..
my fwen was too nervous & hapie till she broke into tears wen de groom took 'akad nikah' (in mly)..
he said it once correctly & she's officially his wife nw!!
i'm so hapie to c her hapie! :D
pics were taken, food & cake were prepared..
she's my 1st fwen hu was married ystrdy
i'm wondering hu wil b nx??? hahaxz..!

For Jamilah, Slmt Pengantin Baru! Semoga bahagia di samping suami serta dikurniakan cahayamata yg soleh & solehah. Amin.
Btw, da buka hadiah?? dats my laz min gift 4 u..sempat bungkus.. :) hehe

Dats ol 4 2day, guys!! B hapie wif ur luvd 1s & cherish every min wen u r wif dem, okiez!!
Byez, luv ya!! :)
Love Aryns
Living Ur Life As...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Yo! Let's c...it has been quite long dat i didn't update my blog. I done wif my industrial attachment and nw waitin' for my graduation b4 my admission to poly. My life has been owys cheerful, joy and hapie! hahaxz...I've been to the places whr i've not been b4, try new interestin' thgs and learn new thgs esp. from my guy hu taught me a lot. Usually, we go for movies, out for lunch, go for shoppin', buy groceries, read bks in de library, go to night market for food, play arcade 2gethr, eat mushmellows, went to the beach & built sandcastles...too bad they were destroyed by the H2O... :(
We only go out if he has off days. Sometimes, we even study together. There are times he cooked breakfast and lunch 4 me because he knows dat i dun eat much. Thgs dat I learn, he also wants to learn..same goes for me, i learn more abt cooking, abt softwares and his knowledge in business. The most inportant thg dat i've learnt from him is LIVING.

I wld lyke to send tiz msg to ol of u dat life neither fair nor unfair. If there are only good thgs in tiz world and no bads, tiz isn't life..it's not balance...

Good thgs make us hapie but bad thgs make us stronger in person. Happiness is meant to be shared wif every1 & sm thgs wic r so tiny & unnecessary are actually de thgs dat r very important dat we hv 2 take note. Hu knows dat the tiniest thgs will grow bigger & stronger. Even if a person acts stupidly & doin' stupid thgs, dun underestimate it because the stupidist thg dat a person has done may give you a smile.

My guy is kinda childish but determined. From him, I learn 2 live myself in a fun, enjoyable and hapie life. I smile & laugh everyday becoz I cherish & value de way I live. I don't pay attention on wat others wana say to me..'I'm crazy' or watevr...De only thg I know is dat I luv de way I am living in tiz special world among special people. How abt u? Hw u live ur life? U dun nid 2 tell any1 hw bcoz i believe dats ur choice!

I read in bk of quotes wic my manager gave it to me b4 I left & thr is a quote dat sounds pretty gd 2 me.. :)

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
- Gautama Buddha (563-483BC)
Dats ol 4 2day, guys! Adios!!
Love Aryns
Lonely Weekends
Friday, November 13, 2009
He's flyin' again..
Today, he goes to India for his sister's husband's family wedding..
haiz..here I am, left alone once more..patiently waitin' 4 him to c0me h0me :(
i cnt predict hw many tymes will he be away frm s'pore per yr..
i thk, cnt help it c0z his mum is a Malaysian & his sister's hubby is an Indian frm India..
it was lyke- 'Oh..he's goin 2 India tmrw' ystrdy wif a dull & dun care xpression bt wen i opened my eyes tiz m0rng, it was lyke- 'Why he must go 2 India??Why?!Why?!Why?!'
yah..smthg lyke dat..
i dun feel myself 2day..kinda b0red wen he's nt ar0und
after work @ 1pm, i thought dat i wanna hv a nap but i destroyed my plan..
haha..i ended up watchin' korean/japanese dramas in de internet..
juz entertain myself 2day & tmrw..
my mum was c0mplainin' dat she hardly sees her daughter @ home nwadays..
owys workin',workin',workin' & workin'..
wat 2 du??? i'm hvg my attachment till feb 4 learnin' xperience..
he will b cmg hm on wed..missin' him lotzzzz
nw i'm goin' 2 continue whr i st0p watchin' my korean drama..
hapie weekends!!:))
Love Aryns
IA - Part 1
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My attachment is nearly a m0nth..
and I'm strez!! My rest days aren't for me t0 rest!
I nid t0 refresh evrythg dat they taught me in a sh0rt peri0d 0f tyme..
I admit dat I'm kinda sl0w in familiarizin' new thgs bt dats nt de pr0blem since I kn0 hw t0 handle my 0wn weaknesses..
wat makes me stress even m0re is dat 1 of my c0lleague is leaving s00n & I hv t0 handle 0l her w0rk..s0, I'l be workin' wif my manager ONLY..strezzz,huh??
I d0nn0 whthr tiz s0unds g00d 0r n0t..
haiz.....juz d0 my bez l0lxs..
"Tiz is de tyme 4 u t0 shine" -> sum1 said tiz 2 me..
wats m0re, they thr0w more w0rk directly 0n me..u guyz shld kn0 wat its supp0sed 2 mean..
they're s0 seri0us drg w0rk, less j0kes..kinda dull atm0sphere..
I cnt say m0re, juz endure 4 a c0uple 0f m0nths...wh0 kn0s smthg might change:D
Love Aryns
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Yipeeeeeee!!!!! finally, holidays starts!! haha...
hmmm...quite a long tyme huh??
it was quite some months dat i last updated my blog..
oh gosh, i'm coughing badly & it haz been a wk..
don't tok abt my medicine...de doctor gave me 8 types!
and she nagged at me 4 not c-ing her sooner..haha

Let's put all my school work aside!! haha...
i'm kinda tired lukin' thoz bks, man...
give me a break! hahaxz...

i download some new songs, update my blog, read a bk dat I borrowed from de library 3 days ago...i hvnt even touch it yet
maybe...get some rhythm on my keyboard!
i will just entertain myself today

Haaaiizzz...i'm starting to miz him
I couldn't tok to him much ystrday till at 6pm
before he went to m'sia at 8pm...
I was like his wife on de phn, tellg him wat to bring 4 his family vacation..
he wanted to bring so many thgs & i told him
y not bring his whole house 4 vacation??! haha...
he juz went m'sia last weekend & he went again...
well, he oso nids to spend tyme wif his family too
of coz! family comes 1st!
i'll b able to mit him on mon then...

dats ol 4 today, my dear pals!! i wana watch tv wif my parents =)
tc & moz importantly.....hv fun!
luv ya ol!! muackzzz!
Love Aryns
My Bdae
Friday, March 13, 2009
Weeeeeee!!! It's such a long tyme,huh?! I celebrated my bdae (wic suppose to be tiz Sunday) wif my ITE fwens de hol day 2dy..haha...Actually, we supposed to mit at 11am at Pasir Ris inter. but ol of us late & we ended up reaching around 12.20 noon at Downtown East. The 1st thg i saw when i reached de pasir ris inter was 5 boxes of Donuts Empire. There r different colours and flavours wic really make my mouth watery especially de soft taste of de bread...yum,yum!! hahaxz...they sprayed me wif water...i dono wat dat thg is but it luks cute...shape lyke an injection, smol...not only dat! they brought me to de neasrest carpark & boomed me wif water...lucky i guez...i didn't get wet much...haha!

After dat, around 1.45pm, we watched Race to the Witch Mountain in de cinema. The show was quite funny & increadibly awesome! You guys won't regret it, i'm sure!! To cut de story short, we went to Sake Sushi after dat. Wah! My stomach really feel lyke it was going to burst! I ate abt 7 plates of sushis & then surrendered. The rez of them can eat more than 10 plates! The moz was Eunice...standard!! 17 plates, if i'm not wrong...usually, around 20+ but nw, i thk, it was up to her limit..Nana came after we finished eating. She had some things to settle..dats y she came late but thnxs babe! At least i c ur face, it made me hapie!

If i wana kip on typing, it won't stop for sure! hahaxz...i really had a great tyme & tiz was de nicest gifts dat u guys hd gvn to me...crystal, thnks for de 5 boxes of donuts! i dono hw to finish it but...i'll figure it out later...hahax! Eunice & Ju, thnxs lotz for de mp4 & it is greeeeeen...hahax!thnxs for de watch t0o! I was kinda shock wen received toz thgs coz i didn't expect dat sum1 wld gv me thoz valuable thgs. It took u guys a lot of effort to save $ & i really appreciate it! Nana, thnks 4 de mug, necklace & cyte,bear card dat u've gvn me...dat mug cn kip me company wen i stay late @ nite 4 study or work...

Thnxs for evythg but moz imprtntly, i really enjoyed myself & have so much fun wif u guys! Luv ya ol!! =)
Love Aryns
Th Owner
i blow candles on 150390
ITE EAST (Intergrated Logistics Management)
likes green.
Shout out

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